44 research outputs found

    Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration for Dependable Systems

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    Moore’s law has served as goal and motivation for consumer electronics manufacturers in the last decades. The results in terms of processing power increase in the consumer electronics devices have been mainly achieved due to cost reduction and technology shrinking. However, reducing physical geometries mainly affects the electronic devices’ dependability, making them more sensitive to soft-errors like Single Event Transient (SET) of Single Event Upset (SEU) and hard (permanent) faults, e.g. due to aging effects. Accordingly, safety critical systems often rely on the adoption of old technology nodes, even if they introduce longer design time w.r.t. consumer electronics. In fact, functional safety requirements are increasingly pushing industry in developing innovative methodologies to design high-dependable systems with the required diagnostic coverage. On the other hand commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices adoption began to be considered for safety-related systems due to real-time requirements, the need for the implementation of computationally hungry algorithms and lower design costs. In this field FPGA market share is constantly increased, thanks to their flexibility and low non-recurrent engineering costs, making them suitable for a set of safety critical applications with low production volumes. The works presented in this thesis tries to face new dependability issues in modern reconfigurable systems, exploiting their special features to take proper counteractions with low impacton performances, namely Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration

    MarciaTesta: An Automatic Generator of Test Programs for Microprocessors' Data Caches

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    SBST (Software Based Self-Testing) is an effective solution for in-system testing of SoCs without any additional hardware requirement. SBST is particularly suited for embedded blocks with limited accessibility, such as cache memories. Several methodologies have been proposed to properly adapt existing March algorithms to test cache memories. Unfortunately they all leave the test engineers the task of manually coding them into the specific Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) of the target microprocessor. We propose an EDA tool for the automatic generation of assembly cache test program for a specific architectur

    Validation & Verification of an EDA automated synthesis tool

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    Reliability and correctness are two mandatory features for automated synthesis tools. To reach the goals several campaigns of Validation and Verification (V&V) are needed. The paper presents the extensive efforts set up to prove the correctness of a newly developed EDA automated synthesis tool. The target tool, MarciaTesta, is a multi-platform automatic generator of test programs for microprocessors' caches. Getting in input the selected March Test and some architectural details about the target cache memory, the tool automatically generates the assembly level program to be run as Software Based Self-Testing (SBST). The equivalence between the original March Test, the automatically generated Assembly program, and the intermediate C/C++ program have been proved resorting to sophisticated logging mechanisms. A set of proved libraries has been generated and extensively used during the tool development. A detailed analysis of the lessons learned is reporte

    An area-efficient 2-D convolution implementation on FPGA for space applications

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    The 2-D Convolution is an algorithm widely used in image and video processing. Although its computation is simple, its implementation requires a high computational power and an intensive use of memory. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) architectures were proposed to accelerate calculations of 2-D Convolution and the use of buffers implemented on FPGAs are used to avoid direct memory access. In this paper we present an implementation of the 2-D Convolution algorithm on a FPGA architecture designed to support this operation in space applications. This proposed solution dramatically decreases the area needed keeping good performance, making it appropriate for embedded systems in critical space application

    FINN: A Framework for Fast, Scalable Binarized Neural Network Inference

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    Research has shown that convolutional neural networks contain significant redundancy, and high classification accuracy can be obtained even when weights and activations are reduced from floating point to binary values. In this paper, we present FINN, a framework for building fast and flexible FPGA accelerators using a flexible heterogeneous streaming architecture. By utilizing a novel set of optimizations that enable efficient mapping of binarized neural networks to hardware, we implement fully connected, convolutional and pooling layers, with per-layer compute resources being tailored to user-provided throughput requirements. On a ZC706 embedded FPGA platform drawing less than 25 W total system power, we demonstrate up to 12.3 million image classifications per second with 0.31 {\mu}s latency on the MNIST dataset with 95.8% accuracy, and 21906 image classifications per second with 283 {\mu}s latency on the CIFAR-10 and SVHN datasets with respectively 80.1% and 94.9% accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, ours are the fastest classification rates reported to date on these benchmarks.Comment: To appear in the 25th International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, February 201